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Get to know Emory United Methodist Church and find out what makes it so special!
Kate Prager
Why do you attend Emory United Methodist Church? EUMC is a home away from home. They always greet you with open arms and are a great support system.
What's your favorite EUMC memory? My favorite memory, pre-covid, was passing the peace before Sunday morning services.
Jessie & Josh Stamper
Why do you attend Emory United Methodist Church? We love the people who attend. Everyone is kind and helpful.
What's your favorite EUMC memory? I love watching the kids play together in the creek after Sunday School...I enjoyed watching them sell goodies to benefit Heifer International...My heart melted one Sunday morning when our son was particularly restless and Tal offered to walk around with him outside...I loved walking in to pick the kids up after Bible School and seeing the girls playing with sidewalk chalk and the boys playing tag...I met my good friend Mrs. Faith here too. Although she has since gone on, she was a light in our lives and had the most magnetic personality. It’s all so good!
*pictured are the Stamper's two beautiful children.
Taylor Hines
Why do you attend Emory United Methodist Church? Emory UMC has become my second home and the wonderful people here make me feel like family.
What's your favorite EUMC memory? Helping with the Hanging of the Greens around Christmas. There is lots of laughter and good conversation.
Susan Stanley
Why do you attend Emory United Methodist Church? For connection to a local supportive faith community that participates in larger global connections and outreach efforts.
What's your favorite EUMC memory? I have too many memories to choose a favorite; come to church and ask me about the Sunday morning Dot Culberson tried not to laugh or about the singing of a particular hymn refrain on the Sunday a cardiac surgeon "happened" to be in attendance. . .
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